Ganache Recipe Builder for Chocolatiers

Ganache Master

Ganache Master is a ganache recipe builder for chocolatiers.

INSTRUCTIONS: Starting from Primary Chocolate, pick the ingredients you would like from the dropdown menus on the left under the Flavor Profile column. Your selections will appear on the right-hand side column under the Ganache Properties. Enter the weight percent you desire for the Nut paste and/or Fruit selections into the small window on the selection ribbon. Select your other requirements and the aimed end-use for the ganache. Enter the desired total ganache weight and click on the "Develop the Recipe". The recipe will appear below; print and/or save the recipe as pdf. For more detailed information please see the "How" tab. To find out more details about the chocolates and ganaches made from the the "Generic" category please read question 23 at "Questions" tab.

Flavor Profile

Primary Chocolate



Cacao Berry



Nut Paste

Fruit Selection

Ganache Properties

Ingredients will appear here once selected on the left.
* = % of total Ganache weight

Other Requirements


Ganache Weight


© Copyright 2021 Ganache Master Recipe Builder for Chocolatiers. All rights reserved.